b'i Direct From Manufacturer - ADDITIVESContact your supplierAdBlue SolutionSuits all Euro 4/5/6 vehicles.For AdBlue diesel vehicles, ready to use.Easy to use! Easy to handle! Easy to store!.AdBlue is made from diluted urea - 32.5 % with 67.5 %de-mineralised water.Container will facilitate a truck / vehicle driving 600 km. AdvancedConnectionsEuropeThe containers are ergonomically designed & come with anintegratedspout to enable spill-free filling.The containers can be recycled.Made to ISO 22241.12 months shelf life, please store in cool dry conditionsPart No. Qty Size TypeQ865300 1 10 LitreQ865301 1 20 LitreQP70365 i 150 on pallet i 5 Litre i Pallet - Direct from supplierQP70370 i 90 on pallet i 10 Litre i Pallet - Direct from supplierQP70375 i 40 on pallet i 20 Litre i Pallet - Direct from supplierQP70380 i 4 on pallet i 210 Litre i Pallet - Direct from supplierChemicalsQP70385 i 1 pallet i 1,000 Litre i Pallet - Direct from supplierDe-Ionised WaterBattery Top Up Water is de-ionised water that conforms to BS4974 for usein lead-acid batteries and steam irons.Appearance: Clear, colourless liquid.Odour : Odourless.Specific Gravity : 1.00.Solubility : Soluble in waterPart No. Qty SizeQ865402 1 5 LtrQ865403 1 25 Ltri461461'